Mõõdud: 1450×435×150
Võimsus: 3,28KW ∆Ti = 10°K Capacity ∆Ti = 10° K (∆Ti indicates the difference between the air inlet temperature and the evaporating temperature).
The capacity of the aircooler is calculate with freon R404A, evaporating temperature 0°C, room temperature +10°C
Võimsus: 2,23KW ∆Ti = 7°K Capacity ∆Ti = 8° K (∆Ti indicates the difference between the air inlet temperature and the evaporating temperature).
The capacity of the aircooler is calculated with R404A, evaporating temperature –8°C, inlet air temperature 0°C RH=85%,
Elektrisulatus 0,90 kw
Ventilaatorid 4 × 200mm/1300rpm/0,12 kw/230V
Toruühendused 1/2″ ja 16 mm